Tuesday, October 28, 2014

From the beginning...

I'll try to spare ALL of the details...

My last cycle began on July 24th. I went to the pharmacy sometime that week to pick up my next round of B.C. Turns out, my prescription for the year had expired that month, because I was supposed to have gone for my yearly checkup. When I called the doctor earlier that month, she was so booked that they couldn't get me in until the beginning of August. After I began pre-planning for school that next week, I realized that my appointment would be during the first week of school and during the first few weeks, it's all about getting the kids home the correct way! So I decided to reschedule to the beginning of September (because again, my Dr is just ridiculously booked!). 
Well, because I couldn't get my birth control, I decided to talk to Jared about trying to add a little one to our little family. Surprisingly he said, Why Not? (Usually when I ask him, and am mostly kidding, his response is: "Someday soon") So, I was like, Wait...What? Seriously??
So, August was our first month of "trying". I did download an app to track things- Ovia and MyDays. So according to MyDays, my next cycle should have started on August 23rd. I bought a test and tested the next morning- it was negative. Well the next week... I knew something was up... I had "upper body" soreness ;) and a slight pelvic cramping on the right side. Normally, I don't think that it would have been something I noticed, but because I was so in tuned with what was going on, I mentioned it to Jared. Of course, he thought I was crazy and that we couldn't get pregnant the first month. 
So I continued keeping track of everything and on August 31st, I noticed some spotting. It only lasted a day. When I Googled it, Google told me that it could be Implantation bleeding or that my next cycle would be coming soon. If it was IB, it said that a blood test would show a positive within 2-3 days and an at home test would be positive 4-5 days. I waited until that weekend, while Jared was at work. I remember being anxious about it the night before and that morning. So finally, I got out of bed and tested. Well, it didn't take long before a big "pregnant" came across the screen! I could not believe it and automatically started crying and praising God.

Ignore my squinty eye! haha.
I got back and bed and thought of a way to tell Jared when he got home a few hours later... I called him and he said he would be home around 10. (He had no idea- I told him I wanted to make him breakfast and that's why I wanted to know what time)

So, as you can see, I wrote Hi, Dad on my belly with the test. He came home and gave me a kiss. I kind of looked at him and he saw the news! He immediately said, "Are you serious?!" and of course, I started crying again! He got in bed with me and we talked for a while.

I was really excited because I wanted to share the news with our family, and the next weekend my mom was having a birthday party for Jared and Jordan at her house. My yearly appointment was supposed to be that coming Wednesday, so it was perfect! I called my Dr's nurse on Monday and told her everything and she said that according to my last cycle, I would be around 6 weeks and for me to come in the next Wednesday. I was a little bummed because I wanted to show the family our ultrasound pictures. We decided to go ahead and tell our family that weekend.

I ended up telling TJ earlier that same day (she teared up) but I told her she had to keep it a secret until that night and she could record the reactions. It was mom's birthday too, so I got her a gift that explained...

The Korean writing says, "The best moms get promoted to grandma"- or at least that's what I typed into Google translation!
Here's the reactions!

As you can see, we had two reactions....My mom cried with excitement and Rhonda screamed with excitement! I'm so glad we got to capture this moment on video! and yes mom has still not been able to stop talking about it (she has been asking me for the past 3 years) and she even tried listening to my belly that night!

Symptoms that I noticed at the beginning: more frequent bathroom breaks, wanting more H2O, overwhelming tiredness, hunger like no other, and something new I learned about- pregnancy rhinitis. I thought I was getting a sinus infection because my throat started to become sore and I had some mucus, but it never progressed- mostly just in the morning. I looked it up and apparently because of all the changing hormones, it causes pregnancy rhinitis. After the next couple of days my face started breaking out (it's still not cleared up!) and bloating!

Finally my Dr's appointment came and they thought I was 7 weeks and 6 days. The ultrasound confirmed that we did have a growing baby inside me, but that I ovulated late due to coming off BC and I was actually 6 weeks and 3 days. That would make the due date May 10th- Mother's Day! We couldn't quite hear the heartbeat, but we were able to see it thumping away at 113 bpm! They scheduled my next appointment for the end of October, when I would be 12 weeks. I didn't think i could wait that long...and I didn't....

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