Thursday, December 18, 2014

Week 18 and Gender Reveal

At week 18, Baby Bartlam was the size of a sweet potato! Baby can now yawn, hiccup and swallow!

This is a picture of Percy and I at 18 weeks! 

Jared and I went to my 4th appointment last week (wk 18)! We had an ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. During my 12 week appointment, when I had to get all the blood drawn, the nurse asked if I would be interested in taking a blood test, called Harmony, for Downs Syndrome. At first, we said no, but she explained that we could also find out the sex of the baby through the blood test and that it was covered by insurance. So... I thought, why not! The nurse called me back on Nov. 10th and told me that I was low risk for DS and I had her call Jared with the sex results! So Jared knew for over a month! He felt like he had a lot of power! haha.
So at the appointment, the sonographer checked the baby over. She showed us the 4 chambers of the heart, the kidneys, spine, fingers, toes, etc. I told her that I did not want to know the sex of the baby because we were having a party that weekend. So, she had me close my eyes and checked all that out!

Finally, Saturday rolled around....Gender Reveal Day! I was so excited! Here are a few pictures from the party...
 I made these pom poms! Thanks to Katie, Meredith, TJ and Aunt Jan who helped set up the night before!

Here is Natalie and week apart!

After everyone ate and mingled, it was time for the big surprise!

Here is TEAM BLUE! and...


Click here for the video!
Gender Reveal Video

HE's a BOY!

Here is the evidence!

We also got a few gifts from some of our loved ones!
 HIS first outfits from Aunt Meredith, April, Katie, Kacee, Mandi and Tiffany! 

 Guess How Much I Love You from Aunt Ashley and Planes books from Aunt Meredith, April, Katie , Kacee, Mandi and Tiffany!

I also bought this Dr. Seuss book a few weeks ago, it's meant to be read in utero, and since baby can hear now, I thought it was perfect! I bought HIS first Christmas book this weekend, too!

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